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  • Shopify's Magic-al Feature! 🎩

Shopify's Magic-al Feature! 🎩

Plus: App speed badge is suspended

Welcome aboard the Shop Pulse express, where we speed through the week's most thrilling Shopify and e-commerce news. Here’s what you need to know from last week:

  • Shopify's Magic-al Feature! 🎩

  • Speed badge hits the brakes! ⏸️

  • Glossier launches on Shopify 🚀

Shopify's Magic-al Feature! 🎩

The AI revolution is here to stay.

ChatGPT and other LLMs have quickly made their way into numerous tools and platforms we use in our everyday lives.

Before long, AI will handle a lot of time-consuming tasks of managing an online store with ease. And Shopify is doing just that with their latest feature - Shopify Magic.

Shopify Magic helps you generate product descriptions with just a few keywords in different tones of voice. You can even add special instructions to tailor-make the descriptions in your brand voice.

⚠️ But, a word of caution. It is still early days in AI and it’s prone to hallucinations or just making up stuff that isn’t true. So you are responsible for content accuracy generated by this feature.

There’s no doubt in my mind that this will only get better in the future, but it never hurts to review the output.

Speed badge hits the brakes! ⏸️

This one is for all the Shopify app developers.

But this temporary suspension doesn't mean Shopify is losing focus on speed. Instead, your app's impact on storefront speed will still be assessed when applying for the Built for Shopify status.

Built for Shopify is meant to be a prestigious badge for high-quality apps that meet Shopify's standards.

When this goes live, getting this status will be crucial for your app's success since these apps will “receive additional promotion in the Shopify App Store, and are eligible for promotion on other key merchant surfaces.”

As mentioned on Shopify’s dev docs, your app must not reduce Lighthouse performance scores by more than 10 points in order to qualify for Built for Shopify status.

With the Speed badge suspended, it'll be interesting to see how app rankings shift, considering the impact various highlights had on those rankings.

Glossier launches on Shopify

Glossier, one of the biggest DTC brands in the world, has now completed its move to Shopify which was announced in October last year.

We couldn’t have said it better than Josh Bobrowsky: “When a large brand like Glossier that specializes in consumer product goods sales funnels has decided to go with Shopify over in-house it sends a clear message to the level of customization Shopify is providing”

Glossier is the latest in a line of big-name brands like Supreme, Mattel, Coty, Staples, and more who are moving to Shopify, as it steadily improves its enterprise offerings.

Pulse Check ⚡️

  1. Rally has raised $12M in funding to build the future of e-commerce checkout with its "composable checkout platform“.

  2. Hackathon for Shopify App Devs! Gadget, a low-code Shopify App builder invites you to take part in their hackathon, win up to 5000$ in prizes!

  3. Meta had an issue with its ad systems which caused a range of accounts to overspend beyond their daily limits. The problem has reportedly been fixed now.

That's a wrap for this week! Join us over on Twitter to chat about all things e-commerce. It's like attending the coolest virtual shopping party – no long lines, pushy salespeople, or shopping cart collisions in sight (@theshoppulse)