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  • Identify the type of merchants installing

Identify the type of merchants installing

Plus: Homepage ads out of beta

  • Figure out who is installing your app

  • Homepage ads out of beta

  • Admin actions released

Identify the type of merchants installing

In one of the biggest updates for app developers in recent memory, Shopify will now provide an app install event in Google Analytics. You can then tie this event to a Shop ID to get even more insights into the type of merchants who are installing your app.

In other words, you can figure out exactly who is installing your app - both from the app store listing and from Shopify ads!

This has been a major pain point for app developers until now - right from apps that are just starting out to established ones that are spending thousands of dollars each month on Shopify ads.

If we understand the blog and documentation, app devs will now be able to know exactly which store has been installed from:

  • organic or paid results in keyword searches

  • recommended apps in Shopify admin

  • category and home pages on the App Store

At the time of writing, over 20 app developers who we have spoken to are all reporting that they are not seeing this new app install event in their Google Analytics.

Here’s hoping that the rollout isn’t too far off.

Homepage ads out of beta

You might have seen homepage ads a couple of months earlier on the app store, but now they’re finally out of beta and available to all app developers.

Search ads allowed app devs to drive increased visibility and get installs from high-intent merchants who were already looking for a specific solution.

On the other hand, the App Store homepage is the most visited page on the App Store. Homepage ads are creating a new opportunity for app devs to get the app in front of merchants who might not even be aware of your app or the functionality it offers.

It’s very simple to run homepage ads. Just set your daily budget and CPC (what you’re willing to pay per click).

Homepage ads don’t yet have an option to target specific geographies the way search ads do. But hopefully this launches soon, alongside category page ads.

Admin actions released

This was an amazing update from Shopify Summer Editions ‘23 which was a win-win for merchants and app devs alike.

Admin action extensions help apps to create transactional workflows on the existing pages of Shopify admin like Products, Customers and Orders pages.

For merchants, these can make daily operations more efficient by reducing the back and forth of switching and managing multiple apps, while still getting the same functionality.

For app devs, this ensures merchants can still use your app even if they don’t log in to the app dashboard - this will help with retention and still provide value to your users.

Pulse Check ⚡️

  1. Merchants can now offer free shipping directly from Shopify admin without the need for a discount code, script, or an app.

  2. Amazon announced “Supply Chain” to help sellers ship and fulfill orders around the world, including transportation, customs clearance, and storage.

  3. Shopify Inbox gets improved spam detection.

That's a wrap for this week! Join us over on Twitter to chat about all things e-commerce. It's like attending the coolest virtual shopping party – no long lines, pushy salespeople, or shopping cart collisions in sight (@theshoppulse)