Apple strikes again?

Plus: Create your own analytics dashboard

Good morning, this is Shop Pulse, serving up the freshest Shopify updates like your favourite barista's first pour of the day. Ready for a caffeine hit of the latest news?

  • Apple strikes again?

  • Create your own analytics dashboard

Apple strikes again?

In a recent event, Apple announced they are going to focus more on keeping users' private information safe.

One of the ways they plan to do this is to remove URL trackers. In other words, prevent companies from watching which websites you visit by removing UTM parameters.

At first glance, it seems that this is another advertising doomsday for e-commerce barely a year after the Facebook / Apple war of 2022.

TLDR: UTM parameters are safe! Facebook / Google ad tracking parameters (like GCLID, DCLID, and FBCLID) will be removed only in Privacy mode.

Specific query parameters that allow identifying the individual user are the ones that will get removed in privacy mode. UTM parameters that help you to understand the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns will still continue to function as normal.

Private Click Measurement

These changes might make things tricky for advertisers because it will be harder to see where their ads are making an impact. But Apple is giving them a new way to see how well their ads are doing with something called Private Click Measurement ad attribution in Safari's Private Browsing mode.

This lets advertisers see how successful their ads are in terms of getting people to buy stuff, but it won't let them see what each individual person is doing.

For e-commerce advertisers, this means they can still see how well their ads are working, but they won't have as much detailed information about what each user is doing. You’ll just have to adjust their strategies to make the most of the information you have.

Create your own analytics dashboard

Analytics has been getting a lot of love lately from the Shopify team. In recent weeks, Shopify has launched Benchmarks for performance comparison and launched new attribution models.

In another meaningful upgrade to the analytics experience, you can now customize your analytics page as per your needs by adding, removing and reordering the different metrics to your liking.

Just click 'Edit Overview' on your analytics page and choose which data cards you want to add or remove.

(Shoutout to Coralie Delpha for creating the video walkthrough!)

Pulse Check ⚡️

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